Posted 20 hours ago

Legal Name Fraud: (The Mystery Uncovered)

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It is impossible to dodge the law by insisting that an individual is different from his or her person. If a court can establish a person's identity, regardless of consent or cooperation, the court will engage in proceedings and sanctions against the individual. This is due to the legal principle known as Idem sonans (Latin for "sounding the same") which states that similar sounding names are just as valid in referring to a person. [38] The earliest legal precedent is R v Davis in the United Kingdom in 1851. [39] Dommeren: så du får i hvet fald, så vil jeg overveje om jeg vil beskikke en advokat for dig, også æee det kan man gøre hvis man synes folk har behov for, det kunne … måske godt have mistanke om du godt kunne have når du jo ligesom er lidt imod sådan her hele den her måde sagen køre på så kunne det måske være meget rart at have en der ligesom har forstand på systemet også der kan hjælpe dig jeg ved ikke hvad du vil siger til det altså der er ikke en advokat du skal betale kan jeg sige? Legal fakta er, at der er ingen legitime regeringer nogen steder i denne verden – og ingen ministre/borgmestre/statsministre etc. der med rette kan sige, at de er valgt ind nogen steder via folkevalgte stemmer… Disse partimedlemmer er medlem af/arbejder for/i samme virksomhed nemlig Folketinget, ja det er et privat virksomhed, viste du det? Do not expect me in any/all of your courtrooms or venues because it is not my wish to put you, myself or anyone in the position of HIGH TREASON in the same way that those who serve the "WHORE OF BABYLON"/CROWN CORPORATION via the "MARK OF THE BEAST/LEGAL NAME" FRAUD WITH INTENT by their own commission/omission/ignorance of this TRUTH. As one of the true living beings on this planet, those that consent to be dead, have no voice where MY voice shall command them now. I will simply now ask you; Is it your intent to commit fraud or aid and abet me into committing fraud KNOWINGLY?

In 2016, a billboard campaign promoted the "legal name fraud" theory in the United Kingdom. Lawyer David Allen Green commented that the theory was "complete tosh" and potentially harmful to litigants who would use it in court: "If people try to use such things to avoid their legal obligations they can end up with county court judgments or even criminal convictions. You may as well walk into court with a t-shirt saying 'I am an idiot'." [35]Fødselsattesten er en stråmand/en død legal fiktion/et selskab/virksomhed med en værdi, en gældsværdi og er derved blevet til et gældspapir en obligation.

In LEGAL public/international law, clausula rebus sic stantibus (Latin for “things thus standing”) is the LEGAL doctrine allowing for treaties/contracts to become inapplicable, nunc pro tunc where any/ALL FRAUD revealed, renders any/all contracts NULL AND VOID, ab initio, ad infinitum, nunc pro tunc, tunc pro nunc(now for then, then for now) eliminating all TIME PERIODS relating to the contracts existence in the first place because of a fundamental change of circumstances whereas, it’s illegal to use a legal name/BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME/TITLE where the INTENT to create a FRAUDULENT THIRD PARTY is evidenced in any/all BIRTH CERTIFICATES by the very existence of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE as self-evident. CRSS is essentially and fundamentally purposed as an “escape clause” that makes an exception to the general rule of PACTA SUNT SERVANDA (promises must be kept) THUS REMOVING ALL PRIOR/PREVIOUS assumption(s) and/or presumption(s) any/all parties, legal and/or otherwise to the contrary where this fraud is revealed; Hvorfor kan børn blive fjernet fra deres forældre på et meget vagt grundlag eller helt uden grund? – På grund af den LEGALE registering. Uanset om du tror du er dansker/nordmand/svensker/russer/tysker etc. så er du i virkeligheden en engelsk mand?! Hvorfor stiger priserne hvert år det være sig den samme gamle lejelighed mm.? – fordi det LEGALE system tillader det… Det er kun advokater med tilladelse/licens til at praktisere “loven”/systemet der kan bruge et legalt navn, har DU sådan en tilladelse, nej vel?!Don't feel embarrassed about reporting a scam – scammers are clever and scams can happen to anyone. If you need help you can tell us when you fill in the form, or when you call. What we'll do when you report a scam to us And if the government wants to use billboards for a public-awareness campaign, I hope it now differentiates itself so we know it's not another private interpretation. In the natural hierarchy, something that is lawful is above something that is legal. If something is legal, it does not necessary mean that it is lawful. Lawful is more about natural rights and legal is more about rights (privileges) given by man or the government.

Here's a little something else for YOU to ponder with regards to BEARING FALSE WITNESS/FALSE PERSONATION/FABRICATING FALSE EVIDENCE; ATTENTION: Lawyer, Judge, Government Agent/employee, Police, Common Man etc. et al/any/all who serve as a fictional LEGAL NAME/TITLE/I.D.-ENTITY (pronounced phonetically example: “leg-all enemy”((N-AM-E), “tit-El”/Luciferian)) character in the legal world reality; Dertil kommer så alle vælgere som bruger de legale navne (navnet på fødselsattesten) som er ULOVLIGT, at bruge. Dommeren: ja jeg mener hvis nu, hvad så når …… (kæle navn på barnet) skal i skole engang åhhe sådan har du tænkt over det? In 2021, the District Court of Queensland dismissed an application that relied on the strawman theory, commenting that this argument "may properly be described as nonsense or gobbledygook". [36] The court also pointed out that the strawman scheme, if it had any legal validity, would have adverse consequences for those affected:På Thale’s hjemmeside kan man se, at firmaet udover at levere rejse- og sikkerhedssystemer også producerer missiler og missilskjold. https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/defence/weapon-systems-munitions…

Una: jeg ved i hvert fald at for at bruge et legalt navn så skal man have søgt licens hos B.A.R’en, B.A.R advokater, B.A.R advokater er de eneste der må spørge There are dozens of different potential meanings that can be arbitrarily assigned to anyone’s name and used to “represent” radically different entities. In a verbal conversation we can talk all day long about someone or something named “John Quincy Adams” and which john quincy adams or what kind of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS will never be known, except from the context of the conversation — but on paper the use of such a system instantly defines what or whom is being talked about — if you know the system.Most of the time when you receive a letter or document from a bank, a court, or a government agency, your name is written in all CAPITAL LETTERS. This ‘all caps’ name tells lawyers, attorneys, and judges that it is a legal name of a corporation or a dead man’s estate. If the legal name is written in CAPITAL LETTERS and the letters are ITALICIZED, it is the name of a ship. Hvorfor er det så lige, at VI alle skal overholde dette undfair og inhumane LEGALE system af krig død og ødelæggelse? … Fordi BORGER I DANMARK og resten af den LEGALE verden = GÆLDS SLAVERI og med slaver kan man tilsyneladende gøre hvad man vil. Profiting from criminal activity (employment, shares, profits, investments, sales, any/all means of procuring legal FIAT currencies etc.) inasmuch as any/all COMMERCE is based totally and utterly (udders of life, humanity’s “milk and honey”) on the LEGAL NAME/TITLE FRAUD construct from the creation of FIAT currencies based on the valuations of the slave trading BONDS (UCC/UPU a.k.a. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, STATE/CORPORATION OF VATICAN CITY, STATE) that the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is, and intended to be for just such a purpose to involve EVERY form of “money made” be it through peaceful and/or criminal activities from being paid to deliver newspapers to being paid to legally murder another human being under the legal umbrella of war/military, where murder in any form is murder and any/all associations to/by/for/of/in any/all LEGAL NAME(S)/TITLE(S) forms renders one GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION absolute inasmuch as one is still mentally, physically, spiritually bound in the legal reality/unreality (“deal with the devil/Satan”) by agreement to be so involved in this criminal activity. I don’t associate with murderers/I.D.-doll worshiping at any/all levels nor will I be assumed/presumed otherwise via LEGAL NAME FRAUD associations/assumptions/presumptions and the LEGAL sorcery practitioners therein; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus is invoked/spoken/written JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = a boat or ship used in public commerce [* Editor’s note: According to the book You Know Something Is Wrong When… An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, this name is supposed to be italicized ie. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ] Dommeren: ja det er godt, det er sådan det eneste jeg behøver at vide så emm så når nu det her ikke har noget med navnet at gøre, men kun noget med fasss fastlåsen af faderskabet det med navnet blander jeg mig ikke i det er noget Statsforvaltningen og hvad de elleres tager sig af re retten er ikke indvoldveret i navnegivning, så det jeg tænkte lidt på, sagen kan jooo øhhh her i retten slutte med at du får en blanket med hvor …… (fornavn) han kan anerkende faderskabet til jeres søn emm der behøver ikke at stå et navn på drengen

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